Wednesday, April 27, 2011

??? Welcome Home Vietnam Veteran Commemoration Event ???

            In the last post this blog outlined a reolution in the Senate to establish March 30th of this year as Welcome home Vietnam Veterans Day. For ourselves and for several other Veteran collaborators this left us with a jumble of ideas that we have come to put together here on this blog. To those of your reading this blog we ask a question to open the floor for your input into an open discussion between other Veterans and civilians alike who have perspective on this topic. Our question is this: 

Should we hold an event in August in Providence, RI to commemorate "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day"?

            All ideas are welcome and no comment on the topic will go unappreciated. Please raise your voices, and keyboards, to let us know your thought. To start off, perhaps you can send us a comment on your experince with these types of event and so that we can test the waters, let us know, would you attend an event aimed at welcoming home, at along last, our Vietnam Veterans in the dignified and heartfelt way they so deserve?


  1. I think it is a great idea, especially making it a family day at the park. I am all for it and will attend.

  2. Count me in....It's never too late to Welcome me home from Vietnam.

  3. Sounds good and I am pleased it is a family event. I hope you guys pull this off as I will attend.

  4. Good luck guys (and sister veterans) in putting this on....I hope it works and I will attend.

  5. I am a member of the R.I. Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association and feel the Vietnam veterans have had their day, monuments, parades and thank yous. Time to move on and thank the new veteran for their sacrifices made for our freedom. Just my personal oppinion.

  6. Shame on you Gizmo. How dare you judge and belittle Vietnam veterans. They gave so much and were never welcomed home the way they should of been. You should be ashamed of yourself for your insulting comment above.
    I personally think a event in August in Providence, RI to commemorate "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" is a great idea.

  7. We Vietnam Veterans are totally supportive of the newer Veterans. Obviously you are not a Vietnam Veteran Gizmo or you would know we haven't had our day and everything we got we fought for. This is about a celebration and not so much recognition and is about Congress declaring a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day without doing anything about it. Come and enjoy the day if it happens.

  8. Well said Anonymous, well said. This Gizmo and his Combat Veterans Mtorcycle Association denied membership to a 100% qualified Vietnam combat vet (CIB) and then orchestrated for 4 Nam vet full members and a era vet who is now deceased to be terminated for asking why their brother Nam vet was denied. All Nam vets dishonered by this GIZMO and his CVMA had a service connected disability from their time in Nam. Between them were medals of valor, combat badges , purple hearts and more. Some things never change and it looks like the RI CVMA is going back to the days that the Nam Vet meant nothing.
    I think a R.I. Vietnam vet welcome home day is a great idea. Lets get it on!

  9. Real Combat VeteranMay 16, 2011 at 3:22 AM

    I am a Vietnam Combat Veterans and I think that it would be a great idea to welcome home the Vietnam Veteran. If it wasn't for his disrespect that he received the Veteran of today would not have received such a warm welcome home. The Veteran of today needs to give thanks to the Vietnam Veteran of the past for he took all the crap from the public when he returned. I myself had a rotten tomato thrown at me and that scare is still there.
    Yes let's have our day for it has been a long time coming.
    Let the flag wave for a Real Combat Vetertan.

  10. Think its a great idea. I'm in and as for that Gizmo character, stay home you or your group are not welcomed.

  11. RICVMA stay home, we (Viet Nam Veterans) do not need the disrespect you've shown to our Brothers. For the rest of us, think its a great idea.

  12. "GIZMO" stop trying to be something you and your R.I. Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association ARE NOT, that being combat veterans. You and your R.I. CVMA had a lot of's fooled but after your disgusting action towards Vietnam veterans, people are getting wise to what the CVMA is all about.

    As far as a WELCOME HOME for Nam Vets day in R.I., I think its a super idea.

  13. RI CVMA stay home and that includes your vietnam veteran members who turned their backs on a qualified vietnam combat veteran who was denied membership into the cvma because he refused to be prospected by your state rep. dalmessy.

  14. Good Idea - hope this event happens and hope the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association stays far away because of what they did to Vietnam veterans, a disabled era vet who is now deceased, and a Gulf War vet.

  15. The Vietnam veteran and motorcycle community of R.I. will never forget how the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association of R.I. and their national BOD disgraced Nam vets, a Era vet and a Gulf War vet. This action by the CVMA is unexcusable.

    I'm all for a Welcome Home Nam Vet Day in R.I. Hell of a idea and about time.

  16. What a great idea and I will be there. We have never had such an event in RI and I am all for it. Good job whomever is putting this together. I hope it goes off as planned.

  17. great idea-I will definitely be there

  18. I am hoping this event goes as planned. My grandaughter will be happy to attend with me. Let's get this going and have a great time.

  19. Good Idea, make it a go but keep the politicians and BS speeches away from a Vietnam veteran event and make sure the R.I. Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association stays away because of what they did to R.I. Vietnam vets.

  20. I definitely will attend and I will pass the word-We can do this by ourselves-I hope all veterans come-It will really show that no one gets left behind

  21. A celebration of this nature is just a ploy for the government and the people to feel better about themselves on the way they treated the Vietnam vet. We survived their treatment and overcame their lies and stereotypes. We don't need a celebration so the government and the sheep can feel better about themselves. The Vietnam veterans I know would not attend such a theatrical event which falsely proclaims the Vietnam veteran is welcomed home.

  22. As a USMC combat veteran of the Vietnam war, I have never felt welcome home except from brother Vietnam vets. This event will be put together by veterans as a welcome home and as such has no "official" function by any political or government agency.I would and will attend this function for my own well being and to connect with other vets from all wars who are more than welcome. Lets are come together for this well meaning day and leave the politrics home. I will tell all my vet brothers about this function and I will attend proudly. Thank you all for your service and hope to see many of my Vietnam veteran brothers there.

  23. Lets do this thing. I will be there!!!!

  24. This event is being put together by Vietnam Veterans and no goverment agencies at any level. This is not sanctioned by the VA or politicians. This is a time to welcome our brothers and sisters "home" and has nothing to do with politics or in anyway planned to make someone feel better about themselves except we Veterans. Come and enjoy a day for us by us.

  25. I think it's a great idea but why at Roger Williams Park in Providence? For all the hype about it being such a great place, it's in a bad area with nowhere to park. Why not hold it at Goddard Park where it's a nicer location, much safer area and lots more parking?
    That being said, it is definitely a day that is well overdue. I wasn't born until near the end of our involvement in Vietnam and to know how the vets were treated when they came home disgusts me. I'm glad that people nowadays, for the most part, will support and welcome home our veterans regardless of their thoughts on the war they were sent to fight.
    I'm sure that there will be politicians lined up to "show their support" and give a speech to make themselves look good before re-election time next year. If the organizers decide to allow any politicians to take the mic, it would be nice if the organizers allowed only those politicians who ARE veterans to speak. As far as I'm concerned, the others will just be there to grandstand and I'll bet not many will bother to show up if they can't take the stage.

  26. Don't worry none. The Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association of R.I. wants no part in any Vietnam Veteran celebration or event. As far as the Vietnam veterans we terminated, our association is better off with out any Nam vets. Soon our RI CVMA will be all National Guard, like it should be.

  27. Keep the politicians the hell out and let the Nam vets have their day in the sun.
    Gizmo or whoever the hell you are, you and your REMF motorcycle wannabe hero pretenders are not wanted at any Vietnam veteran event.

  28. Hey Gizmo, why you call yourself a Combat Veteran? You never went outside the wire of the Green Zone. Why do you and the rest of your Combat Veteran Motorcycle Assoc. pogues, steal valor from those who actually were down range? Won't be long hero until your made to take those PATCHES off for good.

  29. I am a combat veteran of the Vietnam War. I earned a Combat Action Ribbon, a purple heart and two medals with a V device on them. It really makes me PO'd that veterans such as these Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association claim with a large patch on their back, that they are actual combat veterans when 70% never earned that title. I am not putting my service to this country over theirs but saying something you never earned is low and stolen valor at its best.

    A welcome home Vietnam veteran day if put into perspective could be a good thing. Make it for Nam vets not blood sucking politicians and it most likely will go over well.

  30. I see the people from this RI4GIS group has ruined another site with their grafiti and trying to bring down others who just might be trying to have an honest event. All one has to do is look at the leader of this group. Was not let into the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, thrown out of the American Legion, had some problems with other veteran organizations and their commanders, problems with VFW's, dropped from fundraising events by the Wounded Warrior Project. The list goes on and on... Is this goup even legal? Do they have a 501 c? hmmm
